Kalenderoversigt for 2020

23. januar 2020

ESMPE school: Innovation in technology in Nuclear Medicine

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27. februar 2020, kl. 00:00

Image Guided and Adaptive Radiotherapy in Clinical Practice

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19. marts 2020

DSKO årsmøde 19.-20.marts 2020

Foreløbigt program.

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23. april 2020

ESMPE School: Statistics in Medical Physics

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10. maj 2020


Norge og Danmark arrangerer i fællesskab NACP2020 på Island.

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28. maj 2020

Data Analysis with Python for Medical Physicists

Three days Python workshop for Medical Physicists.

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08. juni 2020, kl. 15:30

Generalforsamling 2020

+ Ung Fysiker Pris foredrag

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08. juni 2020, kl. 23:59

DSMF dag 2020


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15. juni 2020

Radiation protection training course

Royal Marsden kursus.

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