Kalenderoversigt for 2017

20. januar 2017, kl. 15:00

Defence of Doctoral Dissertation

Ivan Vogelius forsvarer sin doktorafhandling

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06. februar 2017

NACP Symposium 2017

4. NACP Symposium: Bridging imaging and therapy

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14. februar 2017, kl. 08:00

Image Theory, Perception and Processing

Physics of medical imaging course 3

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15. februar 2017, kl. 08:00

Diagnostic Radiology and CT

Physics of medical imaging course 4

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23. februar 2017, kl. 00:00

Image Guided Radiotherapy In Clinical Practice

Royal Marsden kursus. SABR emne tilføjet programmet.

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07. marts 2017, kl. 00:00

A Course in Radiotherapy Physics

Del 2 af de klassiske stråleterapikurser ved Royal Marsden.

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07. marts 2017, kl. 09:30

Nuclear imaging and PET imaging course

Physics of medical imaging course 5

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23. marts 2017, kl. 16:30

DSKO årsmøde 2017

Foreløbigt program

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08. maj 2017, kl. 08:00

Radiation protection training course

Providing a basic underpinning knowledge for Radiation Protection Advisers

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