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Professor in Medical Radiation Physics

A new position as professor in Medical Radiation Physics isnavailable at the Department of Oncology and Medical Physics, AarhusnUniversity Hospital and Department of Clinical Medicine, AarhusnUniversity, Aarhus, Denmark.

The professor will be responsible for coordinating and advancingnbasic, translational and clinical research in medical radiationnphysics including particle radiotherapy at the Department ofnOncology in Aarhus. The professor is expected to activelyncontribute to the integrated research environment of thendepartment. The applicant must have qualifications at professornlevel within medical physics, and should have an academic tracknrecord at a highly competitive level and a wide internationalnnetwork.

The Department of Oncology integrates the activities in thenclinical department (radiotherapy, systemic therapy and palliativencare), the Department of Medical Physics, and the Department ofnExperimental Clinical Oncology. The radiotherapy section has 12nlinear accelerators, all of which are equipped with on-boardnimaging and other relevant facilities for high precisionnradiotherapy including volumetric dynamic arc therapy andnstereotactic treatments. The Department of Experimental ClinicalnOncology is conducting clinically oriented translational researchnin oncology, especially focusing on research related tonradiotherapy and its application. The institution has a largenclinical trials unit and excellent opportunities for translationalnresearch in the integrated clinical research environment.

The current research activities focus mainly on radiationnoncology issues, and the Department of Oncology is home to thennational Center for Interventional Research in Radiation Oncologyn( research staff at the Department of Oncology currently includesn4 professors (2 radiation oncology, 1 clinical oncology, 1npsycho-oncology), 17 associate professors (7 full time – includingn3 medical physicists, 10 part time (MDs)), 9 post-docs, 34 PhDnstudents and a number of master students.

Potential applicants are encouraged to contact professor CainGrau, Department of Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital (email, for morendetailed information about ongoing research and existing researchninfrastructure.

The annual salary for a university professor is DKK 521.093 +nretirement pension 17.1%. Foreign scientists can apply for reducednincome tax (26%).

Application deadline 26 September 2011.

On line application:
