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EUTEMPE-RX kurser 2019-2020

12 kurser/moduler fra EUTEMPE-RX.

The EUTEMPE-net is proud to show a new series of course modules, starting in autumn.  This is your chance to take advantage of the knowledge and experience offered by well-known experts to achieve new competences. They will work with you along interesting topics of practical interest for physicists in radiology departments, in medical devices companies or in nuclear safety authorities.

All Eutempe-RX modules have an extensive online preparation part prior to onsite teaching in small groups (a maximum of 25p) in the department of the module leader. This is a unique chance to participate in practicals, site visits and take advantage of local networking with the other participants, invaluable to achieve new competences. Twice in bold: ‘competences’, they are so important in daily life.

Find the module in the field of your choice.

The upcoming module, with start of online phase Nov 1st 2018, deals with Leadership in Medical Physics, Development of the profession and the challenges for the MPE (D&IR). The next module deals with breast imaging. Please have a look at the complete program. Medical physicists with tasks in radiation protection may be interested in Module 12. We put a lot of efforts in keeping registration fees reasonable.

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