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Research position openings

Vi har modtaget nedenstående mail og vedhæftede yderligere information fra Prof. Uwe Oelfke


The Joint Department of Physics at the ICR/RMH in Sutton currently has 3 openings for new team leaders conducting excellent research in medical physics related to radiation therapy. The foremost criteria in our selection process will be the scientific excellence of the candidate, while the areas of research we are interested in cover a wide spectrum ranging from the development of integrated imaging and treatment technologies, pre-clinical research on radiation induced toxicity, advanced treatment planning and modeling of patient outcome and related complex biological processes.

We are primarily seeking excellent scientists with a PhD in a relevant discipline, who have an exceptional track record of research demonstrated by their publications. Academic appointments are intended to be as Career Development Faculty (Assistant Professor with tenure track equivalent). However, more senior appointments for outstanding and more experienced candidates will also be considered.

Please find attached a sheet with further information and we would appreciate if you could identify to us any suitable candidates for these positions, either from your own laboratory or from the general community of your research area. 

Yours sincerely,


 Professor Uwe Oelfke

Head of the Joint Department of Physics
