Så er tilmeldingen åbent til denne workshop, der bliver i september 2018. Se mere her.
En hilsen fra Finland vedr et muligt kursus i EGSnrc Monte Carlo software i efteråret 2018.
Hello colleagues in Scandinavia.
We have plans to organize course/workshop on EGSnrc Monte Carlo software (https://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/solutions/advisory/egsnrc_index.html) here in Finland in Autumn 2018. Most probably it would be held in Tampere (Tammerfors), at Tampere University Hospital, if any other institution/hospital doesn’t more eagerly want to be the organizer. The course teachers would be from the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), who distributes and maintains the software. The course would be more or less similar than the ones organized by NRC itself (or taught by the teachers from NRC). Most probably the course would be a 5-day course and depending on the interest of the participants, it would focus, in addition to physics modeling (EGSnrc), to either linac modeling (~BEAMnrc) or dosimetry modeling (egs++).
However, in order to continue organizing the course, we need to estimate the number of potential participants to the course. There will be a limit for maximum number of participants, but also there will a minimum number of participants that are needed, since the costs to organize the course are mostly covered by course fees from participants. At this point I can’t give any estimate on the course fee, since it depends on number of participants, number of teachers from NRC and possible support from various sources, but it will possibly be about the same level than on the courses held at NRC.
At this point I’d like know:
1) if you are potentially interested in participating the course
2) if yes, how likely it is that you would actually be able to participate the course organized in Finland in Autumn 2018
3) and would you be more interested in linac (beam) modeling or dosimetry modeling (or both)?
If your answer is ‘yes’ to question 1) and over 50% to question 2), please reply to me as soon possible, by the end of November 2017 the latest.
Kind regards,
Mr. Jarkko Ojala, Adj. Prof. (D.Sc.)
Medical Physicist & Quality Manager
Department of Oncology, Tampere University Hospital (Tays)
Teiskontie 35 * P.O. Box 2000 * FI-33521 Tampere, FINLAND
Tel. +358 3 311 63212 * +358 50 357 5402 (personal)