POSSIBILITY OF EXCITING SHORTER-TERM (0.25 to 2nyears) POSTS IN AUSTRALIA; SUIT SECONDMENTS, SABBATICALS, CAREERnBREAKS, RECENT-RETIREES, POST-DOCS; expressions of interest soughtnfrom PhD-level Medical Physicists with a strong research andnpublication track record and with appropriate recent clinical andnR&D experience.
On the back of a recently-formed collaborative between all sixnAustralian Universities providing Medical Physics programs, supportnis being sought from a network of funders including universities,ngovernment, hospitals, etc. for conjoint appointments betweennuniversity and hospital Medical Physics departments in the generalnarea of Radiation Oncology R&D and academicnsupport. Posts are not yet guaranteed and number and levelnwill depend on funding. At this stage we would like tondemonstrate interest in such posts to help us to move forwardnwith the bids and with pre-preparations in the event ofna successful outcome.
Each post would be in an individual university but expectednto spend significant time in partner clinicalndepartments. The roles would be around providing enhancednlinks between universities and hospitals, supporting MedicalnPhysics students and clinical trainees in placements and researchnprojects, collaborating in and supporting R&D projects in thenhospital departments and contributing to the universities ownnresearch programmes in the field. If posts are funded andnestablished, they may be in various cities around Australia and itnmay be possible for an appointee to have some time in more than onenplace. If bids are successful, we should have clearer plansnby April 2012 and be looking for appointees to start as soonnafter June 2012 as possible, hence the need for pre-preparationneven before the outcome is known. The funding will be for 2nyears maximum in the first instance and at this stage we would likento assess interest in such posts for periods of from 3 or 4 monthsnup to the full 2 years. There is the possibility of extensionnafterwards, but this would also depend on continued funding, whichnin turn will depend on how successful the posts havenbeen.
If this may be of interest to you, please get in touch andnindicate how long a visit you might be interested in. Names wouldnbe added to a (confidential) list that we would contact in thenevent of funding and posts becoming available. After that therenwould be a normal recruitment/selection process with as short antimescale as possible. Also, if you would like furtherninformation on what might be involved, the contact would be thensame: Prof David Thwaites, Chair of the inter-University MedicalnPhysics Program Co-ordinators Group, Institute of MedicalnPhysics, School of Physics, University of Sydney, NSW2006,nAustralia,david.thwaites@sydney.edu.au